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Revd Calum Piper - Vicar

Calum was ordained in 2014 and served his Curacy at St. Hilary’s Church in Wallasey on the Wirral, before that training at St. John’s College in Nottingham. He is married to Jess who is Associate Minister at Stockport and Brinnington and they have a young Son.

Alongside his parish role Calum is also the Assistant Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Chester.

He enjoys walking, running and touring the country with Jess during his time off. Calum’s passion in ministry is about building communities of disciples centered around the cross.

You can contact Calum in the following ways:

(t) 07511427258          (e)


Sue Howgego - Churchwarden

Sue joined St Michaels after a job move brought her family to Bramhall. She was a Beaver leader and Explorer leader at the 4th Bramhall Scout group for 15 years and has many happy memories of her time there.

Since lockdown she has become more involved with the Church gardens and enjoys the Monday morning sessions with her fellow gardeners, weather permitting.

Julie Sweeting - Churchwarden

I joined St Michael's over 25 years ago when my youngest child was baptised here. 

Most people know me through my work with 'The Mill' youth centre, which I helped to fundraise for as a Millenium project.

At church I have been involved with the Narnia and Alice festivals and am part of the gardening team. 

I enjoy being part of the church community and meeting different people.

Mark Hackney - Lay Reader

Mark was a teacher for 37 years at a variety of schools where he undertook a range of teaching roles. He is now a community driver. Mark was licensed as a Reader at St. Michael’s in October 2020. Mark enjoys preaching and is also interested in developing his involvement in pastoral ministry.

You can contact Mark through the Parish Office:

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Alexandria Walker - Organist

Alex is mum of three and after spending 20-years as a teacher and in education management decided to set up a non-profit organisation to help people living sober lifestyles with her childhood best friend.  Having this flexibility has meant she has been able to concentrate on doing things she loves, including playing the organ. 

Alex says she truly feels part of the family and church community and is grateful for the opportunity to play here each week.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Jenny Gallimore - Children’s Worker

Jenny is a mum of two who was baptised, confirmed and married at St Michael’s.  She qualified as a vet and worked in Wigan and Ashton for 3 years before moving back to Bramhall to start her family with her husband, Sam.  Since having her own children, she has felt called to children’s ministry, and is excited to see how we can serve and support the children of Bramhall and their families in their faith.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Jo Oughton - Parish Ordinand

Jo has been attending St Michael's for a number of years, during which she has gone through the Church of England discernment process and has begun a three-year training programme leading to ordination. She is a student at Liverpool's Emmanuel Theological College.

Jo previously worked as a Christian Youthworker and as a foster carer. She has led several Life Recovery Groups that use the Life Recovery Bible to help people overcome addiction and other life issues.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Karen Elsey - Communications Officer

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)