Over the last couple of years, as we have prayed and sought vision for the future, we have sensed God calling us to shape our church around the challenge of Micah 6:8:

 And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

 Out of this we have developed The Micah Project. We believe through this project we will see God continue the task of building his church through us. By sharing in acts of justice, mercy and humility, we will offer the love, peace and grace of God to our friends, neighbours and wider community. As a result:

Our community will be changed.

We will be changed.

God will be glorified.

The project has a number of strands:

  • To reach out to the marginalised in our community, who have no voice and are forgotten about. To offer hope, protection, and a voice for them.

  • To support young people’s development particular with self-esteem, leadership and community involvement

  • To support young families with building a sustainable and healthy routines and relationships.

  • Work with the leaders of our community to address areas of inequality and discrimination, especially where it is invisible.

  • To support the isolated, by establishing community amongst the forgotten

  • Finding new ways to bring people from all ages together to share in life together.


Through the Micah Project we are looking to appoint three staff members:

 A Children & Families worker:

A Youth Worker

Community Worker Role

        We have a lot to give thanks to God for in our collective history. Each time we have faced a challenge, God has provided, guided and blessed the people of God in this place.

 As we look to the future, to meet the needs of the community of Bramhall, we are seeking to build upon our heritage and grow as a missional, accessible and life-giving place for all to hear the voice of Jesus say:


If you would be interested in donating to this project which we hope will make a substantial impact on the community of Bramhall please get in touch with Calum Piper, Vicar of St Michaels. You can contact him via calum.piper@bramhall.church or 0161 943 5535