
Welcome to St. Michael and All Angels Parish Church.

One of my favourite descriptions about church is within a book entitled “Why Bother with Church? and other questions about why you need it and why it needs you.” Sam Allberry, the author, writes:

“The Church is God’s family. It is not those who have signed up to a human institution, or who find themselves in natural sympathy with Christian ethics and Church life. It is those who have been brought into God’s family through the reconciling work of his son. When we were adopted into his family – we became part of the familial community. When God draws people to himself, he draws them into family.”

I joined St. Michaels in July 2017 as their Interim Minister and went on to be appointed their Vicar in February 2019. My experience of church both before I became a priest and since my ordination was of the church being a group of people who strove to worship God, support one another through all of life whilst also seeking to do some good outside the building it owns.

The church, as a whole, has an incredible potential to make such a positive difference in the life of every individual and in every community. This is possible because within a church community you see at work the true nature of God – love.

During my time at St. Michaels I have witnessed a group of people, who aren’t just a community but are a family who want the best for each other, and who want the best for Bramhall.

Throughout our website you will find more about who we are as a family of God’s children, sharing life together at St. Michaels. Do come and visit, we are excited to get to know you more, and hope that you might want to join us, as we continue to share the adventure of life together.


Our Core Values

The church, as a whole, has an incredible potential to make such a positive difference in the life of every individual and in every community. This is possible because within a church community you see at work the true nature of God – love.



Community Focused

At the heart of any church is the people. Although usually when people talk about church they are thinking of the building - church is actually the people and we believe the best way of being church is living life together as community or to use another word; family.

Jesus said: "You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: love each other." (John 15:14-17)

We seek to shape our life as a church based on love for one another and wanting to enable each individual to flourish as a child of God.



We have no rules about who is welcome and who is not. Everyone is welcome at St. Michael’s; young and old, male and female, refugee and landowner, families and individuals, we don’t believe anyone should be judged by what they wear, what they believe and how they love.

The Apostle Paul wrote:  "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus". (Galatians 3:26-27)

We want our church to be a safe place for everyone so that anyone can come, be, rest and walk with others on a journey of faith.



At the heart of the Christian faith is the truth that Jesus has called people to follow him and be shaped by his life. This is commonly called discipleship. Through prayer, worship, reading of the bible and sharing life together we seek to encourage one another and build each other up as followers of Jesus.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law". (Galatians 5:22-23)

No one in our community is perfect but we all strive and encourage one another to grow in these qualities of life and shape, for the better, the community of Bramhall.

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Revd Calum Piper - Vicar

Calum was ordained in 2014 and served his Curacy at St. Hilary’s Church in Wallasey on the Wirral, before that training at St. John’s College in Nottingham. He is married to Jess who is Associate Minister at Stockport and Brinnington and they have a young Son.

He enjoys walking, running and touring the country with Jess during his time off. Calum’s passion in ministry is about building communities of disciples centered around the cross.

You can contact Calum in the following ways:

(t) 07511427258          (e)


Sue Howgego - Churchwarden

Sue joined St Michaels after a job move brought her family to Bramhall. She was a Beaver leader and Explorer leader at the 4th Bramhall Scout group for 15 years and has many happy memories of her time there.

Since lockdown she has become more involved with the Church gardens and enjoys the Monday morning sessions with her fellow gardeners, weather permitting.

Julie Sweeting - Churchwarden

I joined St Michael's over 25 years ago when my youngest child was baptised here. 

Most people know me through my work with 'The Mill' youth centre, which I helped to fundraise for as a Millenium project.

At church I have been involved with the Narnia and Alice festivals and am part of the gardening team. 

I enjoy being part of the church community and meeting different people.

Mark Hackney - Lay Reader

Mark was a teacher for 37 years at a variety of schools where he undertook a range of teaching roles. He is now a community driver. Mark was licensed as a Reader at St. Michael’s in October 2020. Mark enjoys preaching and is also interested in developing his involvement in pastoral ministry.

You can contact Mark through the Parish Office:

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Alexandria Walker Director of Music

Alex is mum of three and after spending 20-years as a teacher and in education management decided to set up a non-profit organisation to help people living sober lifestyles with her childhood best friend.  Having this flexibility has meant she has been able to concentrate on doing things she loves, including playing the organ. 

Alex says she truly feels part of the family and church community and is grateful for the opportunity to play here each week.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Jenny Gallimore - Children’s Minister

Jenny is a mum of two who was baptised, confirmed and married at St Michael’s.  She qualified as a vet and worked in Wigan and Ashton for 3 years before moving back to Bramhall to start her family with her husband, Sam.  Since having her own children, she has felt called to children’s ministry, and is excited to see how we can serve and support the children of Bramhall and their families in their faith.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Jo Oughton - Parish Ordinand

Jo has been attending St Michael's for a number of years, during which she has gone through the Church of England discernment process and has begun a three-year training programme leading to ordination. She is a student at Liverpool's Emmanuel Theological College.

Jo previously worked as a Christian Youthworker and as a foster carer. She has led several Life Recovery Groups that use the Life Recovery Bible to help people overcome addiction and other life issues.

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Karen Elsey - Communications Officer

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

Julie Elkington - Church Administrator

(t) 0161 439 3989        (e)

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Dr Bob Munn - PCC Vice Chair

As lay Vice-Chair of the church council, Bob chairs meetings in the absence of the Vicar, and chairs the PCC Finance and Buildings Committee. A retired academic, he is a former Churchwarden at St Michaels, and sings and plays the guitar at 10 a.m. services. He also chairs the Diocese of Chester committee that advises parishes on significant changes to church buildings and their interiors.

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Tricia Munn - PCC Secretary

As Secretary of the church council, Tricia maintains the official records of meetings including the annual meeting. A teacher by training, she worked for the Diocese of Chester and later for the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation, and is a former Churchwarden at St Michaels. She sings at 10 a.m. services.


Louise Sell - Parish Safeguarding Officer

Sheila Collins

Lead Children’s Support Officer

Sue Taylor

Lead Adult Support Officer


Over the last couple of years, as we have prayed and sought vision for the future, we have sensed God calling us to shape our church around the challenge of Micah 6:8:

 And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

 Out of this we have developed The Micah Project. We believe through this project we will see God continue the task of building his church through us. By sharing in acts of justice, mercy and humility, we will offer the love, peace and grace of God to our friends, neighbours and wider community. As a result:

Our community will be changed.

We will be changed.

God will be glorified.

The project has a number of strands:

  • To reach out to the marginalised in our community, who have no voice and are forgotten about. To offer hope, protection, and a voice for them.

  • To support young people’s development particular with self-esteem, leadership and community involvement

  • To support young families with building a sustainable and healthy routines and relationships.

  • Work with the leaders of our community to address areas of inequality and discrimination, especially where it is invisible.

  • To support the isolated, by establishing community amongst the forgotten

  • Finding new ways to bring people from all ages together to share in life together.


Through the Micah Project we are looking to appoint three staff members:

 A Children & Families worker:

A Youth Worker

Community Worker Role

        We have a lot to give thanks to God for in our collective history. Each time we have faced a challenge, God has provided, guided and blessed the people of God in this place.

 As we look to the future, to meet the needs of the community of Bramhall, we are seeking to build upon our heritage and grow as a missional, accessible and life-giving place for all to hear the voice of Jesus say:


If you would be interested in donating to this project which we hope will make a substantial impact on the community of Bramhall please get in touch with Calum Piper, Vicar of St Michaels. You can contact him via or 0161 943 5535