Palm Sunday is usually full of joy as we proclaim Hosanna to the King of Kings and wave our palm crosses up high.
Here are some resources for you to use to Worship God at Home.
On the 7th day of creation God rested having seen all that he made and having declared it good.
Sunday historically has been a day to rest for work and to focus on the worship of God.
Here are some resources for you to use to Worship God at Home.
We will post something like this every week, and over the coming weeks, we will develop it further with more interactive resources.
On the 7th day of creation God rested having seen all that he made and having declared it good.
Sunday historically has been a day to rest for work and to focus on the worship of God.
Here are some resources for you to use to Worship God at Home.
We will post something like this every week, and over the coming weeks, we will develop it further with more interactive resources.