
Easter Message from Bishop Oscar

Dear Friends in Christ,

This year's celebration of Easter is like no other due to the pandemic and its devastating impact upon our world, our nation, our very lives. Yet, the Good News of Easter is constant and unchanged no matter the conditions and situations we face. Namely, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who took up his cross and died for us and our salvation, has been raised from the dead. He was not defeated and proved victorious: turning darkness to light; suffering to glory and even death to life.

The Good News of Easter is that Jesus is alive and with us! So through this crisis, we do not fear but rather trust in his power to deliver us. We are not overwhelmed by our crosses but find strength in the Lord to carry them. We do not give up when we sin but trust that no sin is greater than the Lord's mercy. While we mourn the death of loved ones at this time of year, we do not despair but find our hope in the newness and fullness of life that Jesus promises to all who follow Him.

Just like the witnesses of the Risen Lord, we to are called to share the Good News of Easter with others. So, proudly let others see your love for God and your trust in him and your joy and serenity in following his ways. Continue to share your time and resources with others especially the weak, the vulnerable and those in most need. What a wonderful way to bring Christ and his compassion to others!

Dear friends: At this difficult time, how blessed are we to be united in faith and hope. I pray that Our Lord Jesus will bless you and your families with his peace at Easter and always as together we proclaim: "Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and is alive and with us. Alleluia. Alleluia!”

Yours brother and friend in the love of Christ,

Rt.Rev. Oscar Stephen Mnunga.

Bishop Diocese of Newala.

Easter Sunday Update - 10am - Front Field

Dear Friends,

Today marks Maundy Thursday and the beginning of our Easter Services with Holy Communion this evening at 7.30pm. It also happens to be the day I said I would make a decision about what to do over Easter Sunday. The current weather forecast on the Met Office (Which breaks the day down into hours unlike some phone Apps) says the weather will be dry and sunny but slightly cold. So today I have found myself struggling to come to a decision based solely on practical reasoning and have had to lean on prayer and tradition a bit too.

One of the traditions of Maundy Thursday in England is the presentation of Maundy money by the Sovereign to people who have served the church faithfully for many years. If you take time to listen to some of the stories of those who have been nominated, the acts of service have usually been incredibly selfless, not always glamourous, and regularly involved some sense of sacrifice, but all done in the name of Jesus. When we come to worship it is all about and for Jesus.

When we choose to follow Jesus we choose the way of the cross, a way that is not always comfortable, but a way that offers life and joy. The celebration of Easter is a chance to proclaim afresh the goodness of God with all our might. Following the darkness that has been this year we have an opportunity to witness to each other and the wider community, the wonder of the resurrection. It would be easy to say lets call the outside thing off, reduce our Sunday worship capacity to 80 and hide the celebrations inside the building. As I have contemplated that easy decision, I have found my heart troubled.

Now more than ever, I believe we need community. Now more than ever, we need to remain faithful. Now more than ever, we need to be witnesses to the hope of the resurrection. The idea of one service outside on Easter Sunday was not something that would logically be my first thought – the planning and logistics involved requires much more work, and then it all being weather dependent leaves everything far too last minute for me, but it’s something that continually kept coming up in prayer. My first job as vicar is to try to be as faithful as possible to the God who loves me, and then to serve you his people as wisely as possible.

With this in mind, I’ve taken the decision to go ahead with our Easter celebration at 10am on Easter Sunday outside. It might be slightly cold, but with the company of one another, blankets, warm coats (and yes even hot water bottles and flasks of tea) I believe our celebration of Easter will be a moment of great joy and witness.

I hope you will forgive my lengthy email explaining my reasoning, I hope to worship alongside many of you over the coming days and even on Easter Sunday, whatever decision you choose may you know the joy and love of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout these days of Easter.



(Should the weather forecast change dramatically between now and then, I will be in touch once more.)