Easter Message from Bishop Oscar

Dear Friends in Christ,

This year's celebration of Easter is like no other due to the pandemic and its devastating impact upon our world, our nation, our very lives. Yet, the Good News of Easter is constant and unchanged no matter the conditions and situations we face. Namely, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who took up his cross and died for us and our salvation, has been raised from the dead. He was not defeated and proved victorious: turning darkness to light; suffering to glory and even death to life.

The Good News of Easter is that Jesus is alive and with us! So through this crisis, we do not fear but rather trust in his power to deliver us. We are not overwhelmed by our crosses but find strength in the Lord to carry them. We do not give up when we sin but trust that no sin is greater than the Lord's mercy. While we mourn the death of loved ones at this time of year, we do not despair but find our hope in the newness and fullness of life that Jesus promises to all who follow Him.

Just like the witnesses of the Risen Lord, we to are called to share the Good News of Easter with others. So, proudly let others see your love for God and your trust in him and your joy and serenity in following his ways. Continue to share your time and resources with others especially the weak, the vulnerable and those in most need. What a wonderful way to bring Christ and his compassion to others!

Dear friends: At this difficult time, how blessed are we to be united in faith and hope. I pray that Our Lord Jesus will bless you and your families with his peace at Easter and always as together we proclaim: "Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and is alive and with us. Alleluia. Alleluia!”

Yours brother and friend in the love of Christ,

Rt.Rev. Oscar Stephen Mnunga.

Bishop Diocese of Newala.