
Parish Response to Coronavirus

For the past week St. Michael’s have been following the advice given by the National Church of England and adapted procedures where necessary on a daily basis.

Yesterday (10/3/2020) the Archbishops of Canterbury and York issued further advice relating particularly to services of Holy Communion. From today the following applies

  • Parishioners with coughs and sneezes should think about whether coming to church is sensible whilst ill.

  • At the advice of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York the following practise will now be implemented

    • Shaking hands during the peace should be avoid and sharing the peace should be done verbally instead.

    • The use of the ‘common cup’ is suspended and all parishioners will receive communion in one kind via a wafer.

    • Clergy will still greet people at the door but will refrain from shaking hands.

  • Priests and Servers should wash their hands using alcohol-based hand-sanitiser during the offertory before Holy Communion.

  • We encourage the washing of hands each hour or after each meeting.

  • Door handles will be cleaned daily.

  • Sunday service resources will be uploaded to the website on Saturday evenings to enable those at home to follow the service. Sermons will follow as soon as possible after the service.

  • The Vicar and Churchwardens will review our response daily and will take advice from local Public Health officials.

This guidance will be updated as further changes are required. Last updated Tuesday 11th March, 08:05am