Ding Dong Merrily on High:
“In heaven the bells are ringing!”
Written by Dave Walker
I feel like I am drifting, floating in an ethereal mist. I look down into a greyness surrounded by a brilliant magnesium glow. I suppose this is what is referred to as an out of body experience. As I gather my thoughts I try to remember where I am, what I was doing, what day is it, what year, even.
Slowly, moments fleetingly flash into being and are then gone. Then, the sharp pain of clarity awakens my soul. I remember. We were singing hymns, ‘Silent Night’, ‘Heilige Nacht’. That’s German, isn’t it? I can’t speak English very well. Let alone a foreign language. What is going on?
Of course, it’s Christmas. They said it would all be over by now. Maybe it is, and this is what Peace on Earth actually feels like. If so, why am I anxious; I’m not feeling very peaceful.
The mist is now clearing and so is my mind. It is 1914. We had stepped out of our rat-infested trenches to shake hands with the enemy; we shared chocolate and cigarettes and schnapps – whatever that is. We were happy (probably the schnapps!) we were alive and agreed we were not going to fire another round.
So, why am I here on a stretcher? My tunic is torn and bloodied; ah, now I remember, it wasn’t heavenly bells ringing but the field telephone. An order was given that fraternization with the enemy was to cease immediately.
Why is stupidity common, and common sense not so common? I don’t know; but orders are orders. I recall raising my head above the parapet of our earthly ‘home’ and that’s when I was shot. Possibly, by my schnapps friend, who knows? The medics say I will live. Is that why, in Heaven the bells really are ringing?