Parish Update 4

Good Evening Everyone,

Last night the Prime Minister essentially put the country into lockdown, as a result I have been required to shut and lock the church. When I was ordained in 2014 I never thought that during my ministry I would ever have to close a church building. Literally as I write this email I have received further guidance informing me that closing the church includes me – and I am now to lead Daily Prayers from the vicarage not the church.

It has been an immense honour over the last week to lead prayers in church for you and your behalf. The peace of the building has been eery, because whilst our building is a particularly peaceful place – not having you there has made the quietness disturbing – I am praying eagerly for us all to be united together in prayer, worship and fellowship again.

As we continue to journey forwards as a church, albeit a dispersed church, I continue to reflect on how our lives must be more akin to the early church who met in their homes and worshipped together as a family – following Easter the church bible reading plan will take us through the Acts of the Apostles – I will encourage you then to read through it with me and to see where were have shared experiences with them.

To give you another update into resources we have put in place, as encouragement to you to continue to worship God in these uncertain times:

  • Daily Prayer readings (And order of service) is on our website. I will upload Morning and Evening Prayer for Passiontide at the weekend.

  • I am uploading some resources that you could on Sunday for worship in your home. These include prayers and readings for the specific Sunday. These I upload each week in the news section.

  • Mark Hackney and I are working on producing a booklet version of Stations of the Cross. I hope this will be of use to both those that like words and those that like art in your devotions through holy week.

  • Some months ago, I met with those who usually lead Morning Prayer at church, and we began to put together a prayer cycle for St. Michaels. My hope is to share this with you soon.

  • I will continue to try and post daily on facebook and the website with some reflections and photos.

  • The Pastoral Care Network was launched earlier this week, and hopefully most of you have now had someone from the church call you to see how you are. If you haven’t and no-one calls you in the next week please let me know and I will try to work out why. I have received some really positive feedback from this so thank you to all involved – it has been a real encouragement.

  • Phil Wadsworth is continuing with SMT – hopefully you received a digital copy of this yesterday.

  • Jess and I are beginning to look at how we might celebrate Easter with you. I promised the PCC I would mark Easter – I had hoped some of you may be able to join us, but that isn’t going to be possible. I hate having to break promises. It maybe we live stream a service and invite you to join us that way.

Finally I received an email today from Revd Canon. Jackan Waweru, Newala Diocesan Information Officer, who wrote the following:

Greetings from the Anglican Communion in the Diocese of Newala.

On behalf of Bishop Oscar Stephen Mnunga and the Christians of the Diocese of Newala I want to bring his warm lent greetings of hope during this pandemic season of CORONA VIRUS which have taken away a lot of life's of good and energetic people.

Even when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick in the gospel of John 11:4  he gave the message of hope to Lazarus daughters.

So we are together in prayers the main thing is just to press on with prayers.

I had the privilege of talking with Bishop Richard Jackson of Hereford Diocese after his enthronement service and he told me he is in the process of visiting the four linked Dioceses that is Newala, Masasi, Tanga, and Dar es salaam next year.

Receive Bishop Oscar Stephen Mnunga and Mama Agnes Mnunga warm and precious Christian greetings.

It was encouraging to be reminded to press on with prayer in hope by Jackan this morning whose timing was perfect. Isaiah 40:31 says: ‘but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’

Be people of HOPE!

God Bless you!
