
Update - October 2022

Dear Friends,

 A couple of weeks ago we marked Harvest Thanksgiving which for me is always the start of the run up to Christmas with all sorts of special services and events coming up thick and fast in the next few months. With this is mind I thought it might be good to share an update with a few things that are going on.

 Heating in Church

With the increased prices for gas and electricity, our bills, like everyone else’s, are going up. Every effort is being made to use the resources that we have wisely whilst also making sure that our buildings are still welcoming for people to be in. We have switched the heating on and will always aim to make sure the church is a good temperature for worship. I would however encourage you to make sure you wrap up warm too. Contingency plans have also been put in place in case the temperature in church is too cold on a Sunday morning. If this is ever the case, our worship will take place in the Parish Centre which runs on a different set of boilers. The midweek service is still taking place, but during the winter months will take place in the Lounge.

 Life Groups

In November we are launching something new at St Michaels, although some form of it has existed in the church previously. Life Groups are a smaller setting providing space for community to form and for exploration of teaching in a way that is not possible in a Sunday service. A life group, then, is a group of people choosing to grow in fellowship and community, to grow in faith and support one another in life. The strap line for this church ministry is Growing in love for God and for one another. Hopefully each group will do what it says on the tin. I really want to encourage as many members of the church to join a life group as possible. I think they will be really beneficial for each person but for us as a whole church. Attached is a digital version of the leaflet that was handed out on Sunday (with a change to one groups meeting day). If there is nothing to suit you but you want to be part of a group, let me know. There are gaps in what we are offering to start with, we might be able to set up more groups if needed. When you have decided which group you want to belong to, let the church office know and they will pass your details to the group leader who will then be in touch with you to give you more details. LIFE GROUPS LEAFLET

 Warm Hubs

The Mill is hoping to offer a warm hub for the local community over the winter. Janet Ketteringham, a trustee at The Mill writes: This winter will be challenging for us all with regards fuel prices. For some, just keeping warm will be difficult or even impossible. Stockport Council have asked communities to provide Warm Spaces from November through to March and have offered grants of up to £1000 for heating and expenses to charities and organisations who can open their hearts and doors to let people in to keep warm. The Mill, our youth centre in Bramhall, offered to open each Saturday from 10am to 4pm provided we can staff it. The trustees of The Mill felt three shifts from 10 am to noon, noon to 2pm and 2 pm to 4pm could be possible. We are asked to provide tea, coffee and biscuits (which is made easy in The Mill by us having a cafe area) and also a friendly welcome and conversation.

 If you can give some thought to being part of this massive outreach to people facing a crisis in their lives, and maybe volunteer for a shift, or two or three shifts, or even more regularly, like once a month, then we can do this. Already people are offering to help, which is so exciting and uplifting. We do need a big response to make this work. If you need more information or want to help then please get in touch with either Janet Ketteringham or the church office.

 Supporting the Mothers Union

The Mothers Union are supporting a charity called Doors of Hope with their appeal entitled ‘Bags of Education’. This charity want to give as many children as possible the opportunity to go to school in places like Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. Unfortunately for some families school is just too expensive. So the idea behind Bags of Hope is to put together a bag of resources to enable a child to be fully equipped to learn. You can find out more on their website We are inviting people to collect all the items on the list and bring them to church along with a £5 donation to cover the registration fee. We will then collate all the bags and send them off to the charity. The list of items is attached and there are also printed copies in the parish centre. Should you wish to get involved please let Jill Fairhurst know and then bring your donations to the church office by 13th November. LIST OF ITEMS

 Supporting Christians Against Poverty at Christmas

Christians Against Poverty; You may recall Catherine Johnson giving a sermon during the summer concerning CAP, she has asked the St Michaels community for some help leading up to Christmas; Would ST Michaels help with Christmas hampers for Stockport CAP clients?  We put together a hamper for every client we're currently working with, which is likely to be 25 to 30 and I wondered if your church might like to help. item - would 30 people buy a selection box, for example? Other churches have also been asked to help. If anyone in the congregation would like to help please could you let Mark Sweeting ( know ideally before 31 October. We are looking for donations towards a target of 24 boxes of chocolates, 24 boxes of biscuits and 20 selection packs. Thank you in advance.

 Services in November

On Sunday 6th November we will hold our Annual Service of Light and Commemoration at 6.30pm. If you wish for someone to be remembered during this service please do add their name to the list in church before Sunday 30th October.

On Sunday 13th November we will join with the nation in remembering all those who have served our nation and made the ultimate sacrifice. Our 8am service will be a service of Holy Communion and our 10am service of Morning Worship will start at 9.15am. There will be a service at the War Memorial starting around 10.45am which it would be great to see you at.

 Christmas is Coming

PCC have signed off on the plans for Christmas so you should see some Christmas publicity fairly soon. To give you advanced warning the annual Carols by Candlelight service will take place on Sunday 11th December at 6.30pm. This is slightly earlier than normal due to the Men’s Football World Cup Final taking place when our service would normally take place. Just in case England make it to the final, it didn’t seem wise to create a clash. Please be thinking and praying about who you can invite to this service.

 Thank you

Finally a thank you. Thank you to everyone that supports St Michaels so generously with their financial giving as well as their time. It continues to be such a joy to serve you as Vicar of St Michaels and despite the challenges we will face over the next few months with a hard winter, I know God will be our strength and we will only grow closer to one another and to the Lord. I also want to say a public thank you to Julie and Sue our Churchwardens. They have been doing an incredible job over the last few months doing so many things that are often unseen, from ensuring the church property register is up to date, overseeing contractors coming to service and fix things, managing staff, caring for me, representing the church on various occasions and even unclogging toilets.

 This afternoon the weekly bible study looked at the letter of Jude, I want to close using Jude’s words:

24 Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand without blemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing, 25 to the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and for ever. Amen. (Jude 1:24-25)

God Bless,


Update - October (1)

Hello Friends,

Can you believe its now October? In a zoom meeting last night, someone mentioned how they couldn’t believe that the Christmas decorations were going up in the garden centres already. Just a few updates for you as we head into this new month.

Mark Hackney Licensed at Reader

This Sunday (4th) Mark will be licensed as a Lay Reader in the diocese based at St Michaels. The service will be take place at Chester Cathedral and will be led by Bishop Mark, Bishop of Chester. If you want to watch the service, we have been told it will be on youtube and the link is The service will start at 3pm. The following Sunday (11th), Mark (our reader, not the Bishop) will preach at all three services and will also replicate parts of the licensing service, as required by the Diocese. I do hope, you will be able to join us at one of these services, as we welcome Mark into this ministry.

NHS Test and Trace App

You may have heard much about the launch of the NHS app last week. Part of the system requires public places to display a new type of barcode at the entrance to their buildings. People with the app on their phone can scan the code and register that they have arrived at the building. In line with the request from government St Michaels is now displaying the code we have been assigned. If you have the app, and wish to participate, you can scan in on arrival at church, but nobody will be forced to participate in this system. We will maintain our own booking system which is primarily about making sure we have space for people in our services, and secondly is about making sure we have information for Track ad Trace should it be needed.

On the note of Track and Trace, I think it is inevitable that there will be people in our church over the next few weeks who get told to isolate. Where this happens, I want to ask for your continued love, generosity and care towards them. People don’t choose to get Covid, but to be told to self-isolate brings all sorts of feelings of fear and in some cases shame. Lets continue to build one another up in love and prayer.

Another Step to Normality

I am really pleased to tell you that from next Monday (5th October) the Parish Office will be staffed 5 days a week again. Next week, we welcome Janet Blackshaw back to work, which is another sign of us recovering in the right direction. Karen will work Monday to Wednesday and Janet will work Thursday and Friday.

As the office returns to full capacity we are looking to revive some of the rotas that were in place for our services to assist with some of the planning. If you were already on a rota for bible reading, leading intercessions or being a sidesperson, Karen will have already been in touch. If you would like to be included in these rota’s either contact the office, or use the sign up sheet that will be in church on Sunday.


With the introduction of the screens for worship, up till now, Mark and myself, with a few exceptions have been controlling what’s on screen whilst also leading or preaching. Whilst this has worked so far, we don’t think this is a long term solution so we are asking for help. If you would be able to help control what’s on screen during a service and be part of a rota, we would both be really grateful. Again there will be a sign up sheet in church on Sunday and we will look to sort out some training and a rota within the next 2 weeks.


Christmas is coming. The festivities will look very different this year, but we will still celebrate the birth of Jesus and the celebration of God with us. As I look to plan things in a different way, if you would be interested in being involved in some of the planning and delivery of our Christmas celebrations, there will be a sign up sheet in church this weekend, or you can let me know by email. Where its possible to meet in person we will, otherwise it will be over zoom.

Greetings from Newala

This week we received a message from the Diocese of Newala encouraging us in faith and reminding us of their prayers. Its well worth a read and you can find it on our website at:

Over the last few weeks the passage of scripture that has been at the forefront of my mind has been:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,  looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Whatever the next few weeks and months hold – the race is a marathon and Jesus is always in sight supporting us, strengthening us, praying for us. Do not be discouraged!

With thanks for your prayers, the assurance of mine,
